Rose and Romeo
My first wedding shoot of February, full of love and joy, or shall we call it the month of lovers because Valentine’s Day is in February. haha! Rose was my classmate way back in college days, actually were not that really close. She hates cheaters! Hahah! Yes, I cheat in class and she doesn’t share answers.
During college days, I think of her as a serious type of girl, serious with school and that’s why she doesn’t share answers to cheater classmates. haha! When she got engage and hire me as her photographer for her wedding, I didn’t expect that she was really a cool and fun girl to shoot and that was during the engagement session we had last year, November 2015.
During her wedding, She really look stunning and awesome! She is fun and cool. There were really lots of great moments captured during the preparation. She had fun and so as well her friends and family. Even if the room was so crowded, kebs! That would be the best to capture lots of candid photos!